
B-Cubed represented at the Irish Earth Observation Symposium

4 December 2023

Last week one of B-Cubed’s partners – Duccio Rocchini from the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna – attended the Irish Earth Observation Symposium IEOS2023, where he delivered a keynote talk on Knocking information theory out of the park: new measures of spectral diversity from space.

Duccio Rocchini's keynote talk at the IEOS2023

He also took the opportunity to present B-Cubed, as well as a recent paper he co-authored – A quixotic view of spatial bias in modelling the distribution of species and their diversity, which is partially supported by the project. The goal of the paper is to provide alternatives for understanding and managing spatial bias in species distribution modelling.

Read the full paper here.