

Justus-Liebig-University Giessen

Established in 1607, the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (JLU) is among the oldest universities in Germany. JLU ranks among the 25 largest universities in Germany and is the second-largest university in the federal state of Hesse. 12% of JLU’s BA-/MA students and almost 40% of its graduate students come from abroad. The university covers the areas of arts/humanities, business, dentistry, economics, law, medicine, life science, social sciences, and veterinary medicine. It is named after its most famous faculty member, Justus von Liebig, the founder of modern agricultural chemistry and inventor of artificial fertiliser, who taught at the university from 1824 to 1852.

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Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg

The German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig provides a scientific foundation for the sustainable use of our planet’s biodiversity. iDiv-MLU focuses on three main areas: a) assessing biodiversity loss by integrating data at multiple spatio-temporal scales, b) studying how molecular-level processes affect the coexistence of species in ecosystems, and c) promoting collaboration to assess biodiversity trends, understanding the impact of biodiversity loss on society, and encourage sustainable biodiversity management practices. iDiv-MLU leads the EuropaBON Project, which aims to define the blueprints for a Europe-wide Biodiversity Observation Network. Additionally, in partnership with IIASA, iDiv-MLU co-leads the NaturaConnect project, which aims to redefine the Protected Areas System for the EU with a target of 30% by 2030, including 10% under strict protection. To support global mobilization and documentation of biodiversity data and metadata, iDiv-MLU hosts the Essential Biodiversity Variables Data Portal, a GEO BON initiative that utilizes data cubes to represent biodiversity's complex and multidimensional nature.

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