
B-Cubed’s software development guide now accessible to everyone

8 March 2024

Many of the B-Cubed partners are developing software for the project, from reproducible analyses to R packages. To ensure that these are open, functional, portable and reusable, the project created a software development guide available as a dedicated webpage based on the B-Cubed deliverable D3.1 Quality requirements for software.

While the guide was written for B-Cubed software, it provides recommendations and suggestions that are universally applicable, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to enhance their research software code.

The software development guide includes hands-on instructions, examples, tutorials and recommendations based on established best practices, promoting a consistent open source development cycle that allows collaboration and reuse within and outside of B-Cubed. By following the recommendations in this document, interoperability between software packages can be achieved.

Access the software guide here and keep an eye out on the web page for the upcoming Data Cubes guide.