
Journal paper

Challenges in producing policy-relevant global scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services

Authors: Rosa I., Purvis A., Alkemade R., Chaplin-Kramer R., Ferrier S., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Global Ecology and Conservation
Volume/Issue: 22


Journal paper

How citizen scientists contribute to monitor protected areas thanks to automatic plant identification tools

Authors: Bonnet P., Joly A., Faton J-M., Brown S., Kimiti D.

Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Ecol Solut Evid.
Volume/Issue: 1


Journal paper

A conceptual map of invasion biology: Integrating hypotheses into a consensus network

Authors: Enders M., Havemann F., Ruland F., Bernard-Verdier M., Catford J.

Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Global Ecology and Biogeography
Volume/Issue: 29


Journal paper

Achieving the Full Vision of Earth Observation Data Cubes

Authors: Kopp S., Becker P., Doshi A., Wright D., Zhang K., Xu H.

Status: Published
Year: 2019
Journal: Data
Volume/Issue: 4(3)



Empowering Citizens to Inform Decision-Making as a Way Forward to Support Invasive Alien Species Policy

Authors: Groom Q., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2019
Journal: Citizen Science: Theory and Practice
Volume/Issue: 4(1)


Journal paper

Improved standardization of transcribed digital specimen data

Authors: Groom Q., Dillen M., Hardy H., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2019
Journal: Database
Volume/Issue: 2019


Journal paper

Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species

Authors: González-Moreno P., Lazzaro L., Vilà M., Preda C., Adriaens T., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2019
Journal: NeoBiota
Volume/Issue: 44


Journal paper

Essential biodiversity variables for mapping and monitoring species populations

Authors: Jetz W., McGeocMcGeoch M., Guralnick R., Ferrier S., Beck J., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2019
Journal: Nature Ecology & Evolution
Volume/Issue: 3


Journal paper

Participatory coastal management through elicitation of ecosystem service preferences and modelling driven by coastal squeeze

Authors: Martínez-López J., Teixeira H., Morgado M., Almagro M., Sousa A., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2019
Journal: Science of the Total Environment
Volume/Issue: 652


Journal paper

How to predict fine resolution occupancy from coarse occupancy data

Authors: Groom Q., Marsh C., Gavish Y., Kunin W.

Status: Published
Year: 2018
Journal: Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Volume/Issue: 9


Journal paper

Indicators for monitoring biological invasions at a national level

Authors: Wilson J., Faulkner K., Rahlao S., Richardson D., Zengeya T., Wilgen B.

Status: Published
Year: 2018
Journal: J Appl Ecol.
Volume/Issue: 55


Journal paper

Building essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) of species distribution and abundance at a global scale

Authors: Kissling D., Ahumada J., Bowser A., Fernandez M., Fernández N., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2018
Journal: Biological Reviews
Volume/Issue: 93


Journal paper

Tracking Invasive Alien Species (TrIAS): Building a data-driven framework to inform policy

Authors: Vanderhoeven S., Adriaens T., Desmet P., Strubbe D., Backeljau T., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2017
Journal: Research Ideas and Outcomes
Volume/Issue: 3


Journal paper

Seven Recommendations to Make Your Invasive Alien Species Data More Useful

Authors: Groom Q.J., Adriaens T., Desmet P., Simpson A., De Wever A., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2017
Journal: Front. Appl. Math. Stat.
Volume/Issue: 3


Journal paper

Working with population totals in the presence of missing data comparing imputation methods in terms of bias and precision

Authors: Onkelinx T., Devos K., Quataert P.

Status: Published
Year: 2017
Journal: J Ornithol
Volume/Issue: 158
